The Crook Lab at the SFSU CoSE showcase

Megan Manahan (BS Physiology) and Rachel Parsons (MS P&B) present their poster describing anesthesia in E. berryi

Skyler Deutsch (NSF REPS post-bacc) and Alyssa Ng (BS Physiology) present their poster on analgesia in E. berryi

Chris Seng (incoming MS P&B) presents his work on changes in inhibitory tone after injury in E. berryi

Abbi Koenigsmark (MS P&B) presents her team’s work on sex differences in nociceptive thresholds in E. berryi

The whole Crook Lab presenting team! (L-R): Megan, Alyssa, Ingrid, Jackie, Skyler, Chris, Abbi and Rachel.

After a two-year hiatus due to COVID-19, the SFSU CoSE Research Showcase is back! The Crook Lab presented four posters on different aspects of our work, with a total of ten students sharing authorship of the different posters. We presented work in progress on both major research streams in the lab; two posters focused on welfare-related questions of anesthesia and analgesia, and two posters on the basic neurobiology of nociception in Euprymna berryi. It’s been an incredibly productive and busy semester for all the lab’s students, and it’s great to see these projects presented to our campus audience.
Research on the SFSU campus continues to be a vitally important aspect of our students’ education, and our ability to engage our students in cutting edge neuroscience research is a great strength of the Department of Biology and the College of Science and Engineering. We look forward to sending these projects out for publication soon!